Highway 401 Widening Program

Windsor to London, Ontario


Ontario Ministry of Transportation


March 2002 - December 2022

Delivery Model


contract value

$500 M

Project Overview

Over the past 20 years, GIP (formerly Coco Paving) has performed more than $500M worth of Ministry of Transportation works along the Highway 401 corridor from Windsor to London as part of the province’s ongoing widening program. The single largest project was MTO Project # 2007-3043 with a value of $100M.  The project included widening of Highway 401 from Highway 3 to Essex Rd. 19, approximately 13.2 km.

Key Tasks

The scope of work across the widening program generally included: excavation and grading for the highway widening including sub-excavation of deleterious materials in isolated locations; median  drainage with outlets to the shoulders; bridge structure replacements and rehabilitations; culvert replacements; granular base for the pavement structure; concrete barrier wall and tall wall barrier; concrete and asphalt paving including OGDL; electrical and ATMS, including high mast lighting; landscaping; environmental management such as construction near fish habitat; and traffic management along a linear corridor. While similar in scope, each project had its own project specific challenges such as SARs and In-water works timing restrictions, structures, etc.

Unique Aspects

The widening program required GIP to gain municipal approvals and permits, address site specific issued like Species at Risk, and manage contamination and local utilities. GIP conformed to the requirements with no major failures noted. GIP has extensive experience in coordinating with utilities, municipalities and all stakeholders.