City of Hamilton
April 2019 - August 2019
Construction Management
$9 M
The key task was to properly schedule all aspects of the project to work almost as an assembly line to ensure the project was done by the deadline. The existing pavement had to be milled and swept before the asphalt could be placed, while the guide rail and line marking had to be done shortly after being paved. The project was completed in three phases/closures.
The City of Hamilton was under a microscope for this project from the public due to the previous asphalt being considered “slippery.” There was an ongoing lawsuit against the city for the existing asphalt and there was political pressure to get the project completed on schedule with the asphalt product being delivered must be perfect. The city sampled the asphalt every 250 tons, sampled every delivery of asphalt cement and stone to ensure the product met their specifications along the whole parkway. Daily Asphalt production average was close to 4000 tonne a shift using three pavers and two material transfer vehicles and 6 asphalt rollers.